Weight Loss Resistance?

Wesley Chapel, FL Weight Loss Program

Over the past 25 years I've had the privilege of helping thousands of patients not only lose weight, but get healthy in the process. Our functional weight loss system is a revolutionary approach to losing fat fast.

It is the culmination of 20 years of testing, tweaking, refining, researching, and mastering a protocol that works. This is a clinically proven protocol backed by nearly 100 years of science and research. This isn't guesswork. This is NOT a one size fits all cookie cutter approach. This is the SOLUTION to weight loss struggles. I'm confident in saying this because I've seen first hand the lives that have been transformed. People getting off their cholesterol meds. People getting off their blood pressure meds. People sleeping better. People having more energy. People feeling less achy / inflamed.

In our clinic we have a saying..."We Don't Guess...We TEST!"

Believe it or not, not everybody should be eating green beans! Not everybody should be eating eggs, pineapple etc. This is why we FOOD TEST!



9:00am - 5:00pm


9:00am - 5:00pm


9:00am - 4:00pm


9:00am - 5:00pm


9:00am - 12:00pm



2304 Crestover Lane

Wesley Chapel, FL 33544

Discover Why It's Next To Impossible To Lose Weight When You're Toxic, Inflamed, & Have Cellular Damage!

  • The clinically proven system (backed by decades of research) that will put you on the fast track to success!

  • ​A protocol designed & customized for YOU which means NO MORE GUESSING on your part!

  • ​A program designed with FOODS, NUTRIENTS, TOXINS, & INFLAMMATION in mind...which means health benefits far beyond weight loss will be experienced!

  • A simple and COMFORTABLE program to follow without all of the cumbersome confusion of counting carbs, macros, & ratios!

  • ​A practitioner guided protocol to ensure your weight loss success

  • ​​A SUSTAINABLE lifestyle approach that will allow you to keep the weight off LONG-TERM!


This is my biggest pet peeve with other programs out there. Most weight loss programs are 1 size fits all cookie cutter approaches. They give you a "generic" food list to follow.

But what if you are severely intolerant or had food sensitivities to chicken, broccoli etc.

How successful do you think you'd be?

The research is clear! Food sensitivities spike inflammation , harm the digestive system, and put stress on your immune system! And the truth is, it's VERY hard to lose weight when you're inflamed and eating the wrong foods over and over again!

We take an OBJECTIVE look at exactly how you should be eating based on a simple blood test. We test roughly 100 foods (in our clinic) and provide you with an acceptable master food list based on what your lab work shows!

This isn't guess work! The reason we get such great results is that we dig deep and CUSTOMIZE your protocol!

A protocol that will improve your digestive function...immune function and REDUCE overall systemic inflammation! Take a look at a food test graph below! No two people react to foods the same!


Our Approach Is Unique & Most Likely Unlike Anything You've Ever Seen Or Tried Before!


Our functional lab testing will determine the root cause of your weight loss resistance!


Our functional approach is safe, natural, highly effective & whole food based.


Our weight loss program provides long-term sustainable solutions!

Amazing Patient Transformations!!

Are You Next?


Down 47 Pounds!

Improved Energy!

Improved Self Confidence!

Sleeping Better!

Less Anxiety / Depression!


Down 32 Pounds!

Improved Digestion!

Increased Energy Throughout The Day!

Loving Life Again!


Down 53 Pounds!

Improved Energy & Less Afternoon Fatigue!

Improved Confidence!


Down 34 Pounds!

Less Fatigue!

Improved Sleep!


Down 53 Pounds!

Has Food Clarity!

Less Pain & Inflammation!

More Comfortable Around Friends!


Down 32 Pounds!

Brain Fog Gone!

Less Tired!

Better GI Function!



You Deserve This!

Long-Term Sustainable Results

Our functional approach looks at the big picture. This isn't a "fad diet". This is an objective / customized plan of attack that is tailored to YOUR body. Fat melts off your body as a SIDE EFFECT of getting healthy!

Safe, Natural, & Comfortable

Our program is safe, natural (i.e. whole food based), & comfortable. No painful shots or risky procedures. We don't believe in short-term calorie restrictive programs. We believe in OBJECTIVE lifestyle changes based on our testing.

Doctor Developed

Our system is the culmination of 20 years of testing, tweaking, refining, & mastering a protocol that patients LOVE & most importantly...gets the RESULTS they are looking to achieve!

Dr Micah T Richeson

Functional Medicine Wesley Chapel, FL

Dr Micah is a 3rd generation Chiropractor who has been in practice since August of 2000 when he received his Doctorate of Chiropractic from Parker University in Dallas, Texas. He has encountered over 170,000 patients since that time. He worked with his father for the first eight years and learned a lot, until opening his own practice in 2008. Dr Richeson is continually learning, researching and staying up to date on all the newest advances in Physiology and Functional Nutrition.

Dr Richeson focuses on a whole-body approach to wellness and nutrition. One of his favorite patients is a newborn baby as he knows that by giving them a gentle adjustment and addressing any issues early on, they will have the best possible start to their beautiful life.

In addition to his practice, Dr Micah is actively involved in Mission Work in Honduras and Thailand. He brought Mitze to Honduras in 2023 and she fell in love with the people there and so she is now hooked as well.

He works along side his wife Mitze, who is his Case Manager, and they actually work very well together. They have two grown children and love traveling and playing golf.

Together they strive to make a meaningful impact on the lives of every client they work with and to shine the light and love of Christ as their greatest purpose on this earth.

Mitze Richeson, CCPA, CLS

Mitze is the Case Manager for B2W and currently works with clients in weight loss, nutrition, and chronic illness. Mitze received her CCPA license in 2012 through Cleveland Chiropractic College (Certified Chiropractic Physicians Assistant) after passing the state board. She also studied Functional Medicine under Dr. Dan Kalish at the Kalish Institute for Functional Medicine and became a Certified Lyme Specialist from Trininy College of Natural Health. Mitze is always reading, researching and learning new information to help patients receive the best quality care


Mitze truly understands what it feels like to suffer from chronic illness as she became fully bedridden in 2020 with Mold Illness and Lyme Disease due to living in a moldy home. She was determined to heal and found that she actually helped herself far more than any Medical Doctor she saw and she has improved about 90% so far, all through holistic treatments. It also helped

her to have true compassion and empathy for her clients who are suffering and developed her

new passion and mantra, “from pain to purpose.”

Mitze has been married to Dr Micah since 1995. They have two adult children and are enjoying working together and having more time to pour into their clients now that their kids are grown. She says, “we make a great team in our ability to help our clients with both knowledge as well as compassion and empathy.”


Book Your Appointment

Using our online booking, schedule a time that works best for you.

Get Your Weight Loss Plan

We create a plan that is specific to you, your needs, & your goals.

Safely Lose Weight Loss

Within days you'll see the scale drop significantly!


At Richeson Wellness in Wesley Chapel, FL, we're not just health care professionals. We are your partners in achieving a natural, pain-free lifestyle. With decades of experience, a passion for functional medicine...we are here to help you live your best life. Book your appointment today and start your journey to a more functional future.


Are you a new patient? Take advantage of our Special Offer!

Frequently Asked Questions!

What Makes You Different From Other Programs Out There?

What makes us different is that we take an OBJECTIVE look at your entire body. We take a "holistic" look at the big picture. We use objective 3rd party testing to get the results we're looking for. We're not into generic 1 size fits all "cookie cutter" approaches. We want to give you a long-term sustainable solution. And please remember, fat melts off your body as a side effect of getting healthy. Our primary goal is to get you healthy once again.

What Happens On The Discovery Call?

Very simple. Dr. Richeson will ask you some questions, do a thorough health history, and determine if you're a case he can accept. If he thinks he can help he'll give you that option. If he doesn't think he can help, he'll work to find somebody who can.

Are Your Programs Safe?

ABSOLUTELY! Our protocols are extremely safe and there is nothing like it. There are very few doctors that will do objective functional testing and work towards finding the ROOT CAUSE of the health challenge. Most simply give a med / chemical cover up.

How Much Does Your Program Cost?

It's hard to know without having a quick discovery call to determine your goals. A person looking to lose 15 pounds will be different from a person looking to lose 150 pounds. Keep in mind we are ALL unique & different and every patient has a unique care plan that is different from anybody else. We do this via our objective lab testing etc. But this is why we do complimentary discovery calls to determine if our functional weight loss program would make sense for you etc.

Does Insurance Pay For Functional Medicine?

Unfortunately no insurance company pays for weight loss. However, if you're MOTIVATED we'll work with you. Our protocols are very affordable and keep in mind that we've never turned anybody away because of finances. 

Where Is Your Clinic Located?

We are 100% virtual. The beautiful thing about functional medicine and our functional approach is that it can be done from ANYWHERE! After our initial discovery call (to determine if our protocol makes sense for you) we'll provide you with test kits so TOGETHER we can customize a safe, natural, & highly effective protocol based on YOUR individual needs. 

Do I Have To Come Into Your Office To Get Started?

Nope! Our practice is 100% virtual. All of our discovery calls are done over the phone.

Will I Have To Swallow A Lot Of Pills?

We will provide recommendations based on where you're nutrient deficient / depleted. Again, this is based on the testing that is performed. We'll give you supplement recommendations as well as give you food recommendations to eat more of that are abundant in the nutrients where you're depleted. 

Do You Provide Support / Accountability?

YES! Even though our functional protocols are done virtually, we provide Footer24/7 email support. If you have a question / obstacle to work through we'll provide you the support & guidance you need.

Will I Have To Exercise?

Only if you want to. Obviously exercise is a good & healthy thing to do but it's not mandatory while doing our program. Our program is food based with a functional approach so we're not going to say go do a bunch of strenuous exercise to lose fat. Again, you can if you want to but that's not our main focus.

Do I Have To Count Calories?

No! No counting calories or points or anything that is cumbersome, confusing, or NOT sustainable long-term. It's more about eating the right foods for YOU, again done via the testing we do and our functional approach!

Do You Prescribe Medications?

No. We don't give medications. What we do is safe, natural, & highly effective. We do this WITHOUT harmful medications or risky procedures.

Will This Program Give Me Suggestions On What To Eat?

Absolutely! So many people come to us with "food confusion". We also call this "INFObesity". There is so much conflicting information out there that they get paralyzed and confused. We help you break through this confusion and give you CLARITY via our objective 3rd party lab testing we do.

Contact Us

2304 Crestover Lane

Wesley Chapel, FL 33544